Ever wanted to run away and join the circus? Well why not start your training here with our Greatest Showman themed party options…
The Greatest Showman film is a really popular dance party theme at the moment, and we love doing these fun parties!
Take a look at a Greatest Showman themed party we did for a 6yr old…
How a Greatest Showman themed party works...
Themed games
- Ever wanted to learn how to juggle like a clown? Well now you can!
- We teach you juggling techniques using coloured scarves – as these are MUCH easier to learn with than balls
- A corners elimination game using some Greatest Showman themed pictures that we stick around the four corners of the room
- Stickers are provided for people who are ‘out’
We bring small prizes for the games. Not everyone will get a prize, but we make sure everyone will get a sticker or a sweet at some point in the games. All the sweets are suitable for vegetarians.
Dance routine
You can choose your favourite song from the film and we will choreograph a dance especially for you.
We will tailor it to the age of the children attending, so it’s the perfect level for everyone. We do a performance of the song at the end of the party, to any parents, friends and family that are around.
Children work really well under pressure, and the end dances always look great. People are always commenting on how much we can get taught in a short space of time.
Dressing up
You don’t have to dress up for our parties…. but it’s more fun if you do! We love getting into the swing of it, so we always theme our outfits to the party. Take a look at our teacher’s Ringmaster outfit in the pics below.
The pictures and video here are for a joint party we did for Tamera and Lily who were turning 6yrs old.
Their Mum’s wore matching costumes to the girls, which looked so good! Their friends at the party also dressed up as characters from the film and they all looked brilliant.
Both of the Mum’s left us heart-warming testimonials, here are some snippets of them below:
So if you fancy your own Greatest Showman themed party, get in touch with us today, and we can make you the star of the show x
"The children delivered a really spectacular end performance and even the shy ones took part and gave lots of mum tears in their eyes! Can’t recommend Olivia enough for her energy, ideas and the way she is with kids. They naturally love her and she takes control easily. Thank you so much for making our party special and memorable!" Shareen (Mum)
"Thank you SO much for doing such a brilliant party. The kids had a brilliant time and I was amazed how straight away they were so involved and engaged. Thank you. I’m only jealous I that I didn’t learn it myself!!" Fay (Mum)